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Solitaire City? Classic
Solitaire City? Classic







开发:Digital Smoke LLC


Solitaire City* Classic now supports retina displays and is also a Universal App! Buy once and play it on both iPad and iPhone with enhanced high resolution graphics when played on an iPad. This is the classic version of Solitaire that most people know and love. It’s the version that ships with Windows and is also known as Klondike or just simply Patience. Solitaire City* Classic contains six variations of this extremely popular solitaire game including Deal 1, Deal 3 and Vegas scoring. Solitaire City’s drag and drop controls are incredibly easy to use and the silky smooth card animations, particle effects and sound effects supply countless hours of fun. What makes Solitaire City so popular though is the timed scoring system. The faster you complete a game, the higher your score. You’ll play long into the night trying to add a few points to your best score and see your name in lights on top of the hi-score tables. The timer can also be turned off by those who prefer not to compete and simply wish to play a nice relaxing game of solitaire.

For the thrifty solitaire addict, it finally costs you next to nothing to experience your favorite solitaire game the Solitaire City way !


- 6 variations of Klondike
- Deal 1 card
- Deal 3 cards
- Retina and iPad hi-res graphics
- Timed scoring system
- Personal best hi-score tables
- Vegas scoring
- Landscape & portrait support
- Rotate the device during play to switch views
- Lock the orientation for bedtime play
- Saves game position when the phone rings
- Listen to iTunes music while playing
- Impressive graphical effects
- Choose from several card designs
- Several backgrounds to choose from
- Use your own photos as a background
- Fun sound effects and themes
- Create your own sound themes
- Interactive training
- Unlimited undo
- Auto complete to finish a game
- Statistics
- Left and right handed options
- Works on all OS versions from 3.0 to 5.x
- iPhone or iPod touch
- Serious addiction

If you already own Solitaire City Deluxe* then you don’t need to buy this Classic Edition as these six versions of Klondike are already included in the Deluxe Edition along with global online scoring – unless you want to continue to support the developer, in which case, don’t let us get in the way of your generosity !!

Digital Smoke’s games are always of the highest quality and most importantly we make sure they are great fun to play. Please try our 10 Pin Shuffle game which is also available on the iTunes App Store.
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