★ Offline Topo Maps is currently 50% off, just $4.99 for a limited time.
★ NEW! High-resolution topos and aerial imagery just released by the USGS!
Offline Topo Maps is a simpler version of Gaia GPS - for people who just want topo maps, but don't want to record tracks or work with geo-data.
* download maps of the entire world
- USGS topo maps for the continental US
- USGS aerial photography
- CloudMade international cycle/topo maps, based on OpenStreetMap
- international CloudMade shaded relief and road maps
* mark waypoints and get guidance to and from places
* use metric, imperial, or nautical units
* display coordinates in Decimal, UTM, MGRS, DMS, or Decimal Minutes
* fully auto-rotatable for widescreen maps and other views