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开发:Mark Hessburg


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Please Note: iPod touch requires internet connection

NEW FEATURES in version 1.5:

- New graphical Sun Compass
- Improved Simulation of the Sky (Cloud animation based on METAR data)
- Shows duration of the night/day
- Switch to metric and/or US customary units
- German language support


SunGPS is 5 Apps in one:

*Sunrise & Sunset
(displays time till next Sunset/Sunrise, duration of day & night and a graphical realtime simulation of the sky showing azimuth & height of the sun and animated clouds based on data from a nearby weather station)

(determined by GPS and from a database - database resolution is the highest available! (30x30 meters))

(based on METAR data from a nearby weather station)

(Humidity, Clouds, Wind based on METAR data from a nearby weather station)

*Sun Compass
(azimuth wheel and graphical sun compass)

SunGPS will tell you how long it takes till next Sunrise/Sunset at your current position! It will tell you the current height and azimuth of the Sun and display a graphical simulation of the current height of the sun, daylight, twilight and night.
Just target the sun with your device to use the included sun compass.

SunGPS shows your current position (latitude & longitude via GPS or location services) and altitude determined directly by your GPS Chip (if available on your device) and from a database using the Aster Global Digital Elevation Model (requires internet connection).

It will also display weather information from the next METAR weather station (requires internet connection) such as Temperature, speed and direction of the wind, relative humidity and information about clouds.
Altitude, temperature and wind speed will always displayed in different units (meters, feet, celsius, fahrenheit, knots, km/h,mph) this way you'll learn to get a better feeling for the different units! (new: you can set it to display metric, US standard or both)


SunGPS is strictly for entertainment use only. SunGPS is not intended for real world navigation, aviation use or any other purpose. The database might be outdated and inaccurate.

This application requires activated location services and an active connection to the internet is required to display the weather information and altitude determined by data from the Aster Global Digital Elevation Model.

SunGPS connects to the 3rd party GeoNames Server (www.geonames.org)- I can NOT guarantee upkeep and accessibility of this service.

The Aster Global Digital Elevation Model works between 83N and 65S latitude. The calculation of the Sun might be inaccurate above/below 65N and 65S latitude.
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